Use cases
Some example use cases for SageRx.
Dictionary of all NDCs
There’s no one stop shop for getting a list of all current and historical NDCs. SageRx attempts to solve that by automatically combining and cleaning up all available open sources of NDC data into a single table.
Unified drug pricing analysis
Easily combine data from drug pricing data sources and compare apples to apples when working with drug pricing analysts from different organizations who might be using different commercial drug databases.
Drug terminology
Still a work in progress, but a milestone use case will be if SageRx can be effectively used as a reliable source of drug terminology for things like CPOE, CDS, or e-prescribing. Most but not all of this is in RxNorm, but the last mile is challenging.
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Our GitHub Discussions page is usually where we first start tracking potential use cases. Submit a use case or comment on an existing use case if you feel so inclined!
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