Finding tables in pgAdmin
How to find tables using pgAdmin.
Click Servers
Click Databases
Click SageRx
Click Schemas
The sagerx_lake schema
Click sagerx_lake as one example - this is where the raw data from a data source is downloaded and stored.
Click Tables to see the list of tables in this schema
Click rxnorm_rxnconso and then click Columns to see all the columns in this table
RIGHT click rxnorm_rxnconso → click View/Edit Data → click First 100 Rows to see some example data in the right-side of the window
The sagerx_dev schema
Go back to your list of schemas, but this time, click on sagerx_dev.
This schema contains these types of models:
- Staging models (i.e. stg_source_name__model_name) are views and located under Views.
- Intermediate models (i.e. int_intermediate_table_name) are materialized as tables and located under Tables.
- Marts (i.e. mart_name) are materialized as tables and are located under Tables. You can distinguish these from intermediate models because they don’t have the int_ prefix.
Staging tables are objects like “dose forms” and “ingredients”.
Intermediate tables are combinations of staging tables and serve as stepping stones to complete data marts.
Marts are the final product of the pipeline. They should be easy to take off the shelf and use to solve a problem.
You can inspect columns and view top 100 rows just like you did with the sagerx_lake tables.
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