Uh oh. A technician was a LITTLE bit over-zealous in their attempt to mark a medication bottle as opened and now you have NO IDEA what is inside /sarcasm.
You notice the NDC is unscathed. How could you determine the clinical drug product based on the NDC on the label?
Hint: SageRx normalizes all NDCs to NDC11 format. What is NDC11 Format?
Hint: the entity relationship diagram (ERD) shows the relationship between NDCs and clinical products, as well as brand products.
Hint: the respective tables in SageRx are located in the staging schema.
You suddenly forgot if this is a brand name product. How could you tell whether this was a brand product or a generic? Use the same diagram above to solve this as well.
🎉 Good job! You over-engineered a solution to a simple problem with SQL!